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发布时间:2024-07-19 09:56


S4 Capital 旗下运营品牌Media.Monks摩课士,数字至上的营销和广告服务公司,今日宣布正式更名为Monks,同时进一步提升服务效能,整合旗下业务为“营销服务”和“科技服务”两大板块。这一举措旨在进一步强化服务向AI驱动创意和技术的加速转型,为CEO、CMO和CTO们提供更具商业价值的全方位综合服务,助力企业实现可持续、盈利性增长和创新。并在AI赋能的基础上,加速数字化转型,提升成本效益。

Media.Monks, the operating brand of S4 Capital and leading digital-first, data-driven, advertising, marketing and technology services company, today announces streamlined and more effective offerings. They are designed to arm CEOs, CMOs and CTOs with fully integrated services, architected to drive sustainable, profitable growth and innovation across their enterprises and the tools to leverage AI and unlock cost-efficiencies accelerating transformation at scale.

即日起,由业界领先的AI智能营销和工作流程平台 Monks.Flow 提供支持,Media.Monks 将整合旗下分支业务为“营销服务”和“科技服务”两大板块,由资深咨询团队提供从策略到执行的端到端全方位服务。Media.Monks 正式更名为 Monks,这标志着Monks业务发展的一个重要里程碑,并为媒介之外的业务增长和创新奠定了基础。

Starting today, Media.Monks will transition its services into two fully synchronised Practices: Marketing services and Technology services, both powered by Monks.Flow, the industry leading, AI-powered, intelligent marketing and workflow platform. These offerings will be underpinned by a consulting group that will offer end-to-end services ranging from strategy to implementation. Effective immediately, Media.Monks also becomes simply Monks, marking a significant milestone in its evolution as a business and setting the stage for future growth and innovation beyond media.

“如今许多代理商都在努力应对科技变革影响带来变化与挑战。自创立之日起,我们的目标就是颠覆传统模式,今天更是Monks旅程中的又一个重要里程碑,” S4 Capital创始人兼执行主席 Sir Martin Sorrell 苏铭天爵士表示。“ 通过服务交付方式的转变,我们能够更好地帮助客户业务,同时也让Monks在行业发展中占据更领先的有利位置。”

“Many of today’s agencies are wrestling with the pace of change in a world profoundly transformed by technology. It's always been our ambition to disrupt the legacy model and today marks another important milestone in that journey,” says Sir Martin Sorrell, S4 Capital Founder and Executive Chairman. “With this shift in the way we deliver our services to market, we are better able to help clients transform the economics of their businesses and are well-positioned to develop and define the future of our industry.”


Our nine capabilities will remain in place, now focused in just two Marketing and Technology offerings, enabling clients to accelerate revenue growth, transformation and automation, while outpacing their competition:


Marketing services will encompass a comprehensive suite of creative, content, media, social and data-driven marketing solutions, leveraging the Monks’ award-winning capabilities in storytelling, audience engagement and performance marketing to deliver outcomes that resonate with consumers and drive measurable results.


Technology services will concentrate on the company’s technology, user experience, product engineering, data, digital transformation and consulting services. It will focus on robust digital infrastructures, next-gen digital products and consumer experiences and advanced data and analytics solutions that empower clients to navigate and thrive in the digital age.


A number of our senior Practice, capability and regional leaders wanted to comment on these important changes:

此次整合恰如其分地彰显了我们的一体化协作的跨职能团队所拥有的实现客户业务加速增长和操作模型转型所需的能力、勇气和多样性。Consulting执行副总裁 Scott Griset 说道。

" This evolution reflects our unified cross-discipline teams, who bring the grit and the diversity of thought needed to help our clients accelerate growth and navigate the transformation of operating models,” says Scott Griset, EVP Consulting.

我们旨在简化并提升技术与创意的可能性,这一切始于整合我们的服务和品牌形象。Monks科技服务CEO,Brady Brim-DeForest 如是说。

“ Our aim is to simplify and accelerate the possibilities of technology and creativity for our clients and that starts with streamlining our offerings and identity," says Brady Brim-DeForest, CEO, Technology services.


The new Monks brand emphasizes the cross-vertical and end-to-end capabilities offered by an integrated portfolio of services designed to maximize client revenue growth, innovation and reach.

“ 新的运营品牌‘Monks’去掉了‘media’,更准确地代表了我们整合的全球团队、统一的专业知识和多样化的社区。” Monks全球首席营销官Kate Richling说道。

" By dropping ‘media’ from our name, the new operating brand more accurately represents our integrated global team, unified expertise and diverse communities," says Kate Richling, Chief Marketing Officer.

“ 我们焕然一新的品牌体现了我们团队的协同效应和全面的业务能力,致力于为客户的挑战提供最有影响力的解决方案。 Monks全球高级数据副总裁 Michelle McGrath 说到。

" Our refreshed brand embodies our team's synergy and versatile skills, committed to crafting impactful solutions for our clients’ challenges," says Michelle McGrath, SVP Data.

“ 我们最具创新性和影响力的工作都是由我们的核心团队和技术共同推动的。现在,我们有了一个反映这一核心精神的品牌,它将带领我们和客户进入下一个发展阶段。" Monks媒体解决方案和新兴技术高级副总裁 Victoria Milo 说到。

" Our most innovative, impactful work has been powered by the intersection of our core teams and technology. Now, we have a brand that is reflective of that core ethos to carry us and our clients, into the next phase of evolution," says Victoria Milo, SVP Media Solutions and Emerging Technology.

Monks 品牌也同时强调了对于旗下全球 7,600多名人才的关怀及对其才华的颂赞。

The Monks brand also emphasizes the dedication of our approximately 7,600 people to their craft.

首席人才官James Nicholas Kinney说:“我们将品牌重点放在人才上,注重透明度和员工。尤其在人工智能时代,这表明了拥有一群雄心勃勃的创新者对无缝实施新兴技术格外重要。

" Placing a focus on the talent behind the work, the evolved Monks brand is designed for transparency and people—particularly in the age of AI—signaling the importance of having ambitious innovators in your corner for seamless implementation of emerging technologies," says James Nicholas Kinney, Chief People Officer.

Monks营销服务全球首席客户官 Deborah Heslip 和 Laura Davis 表示:“ 我们的新名称将我们的人才放在了聚光灯下在融合不同专业和文化的同时,他们也始终致力于用科技与传播改变世界。”

“ Our new name puts a spotlight on our talent, who excel in blending diverse specialisations and cultures with a shared ambition to change the world,” says both Deborah Heslip and Laura Davis, Co-Chief Client Officers, Marketing services.

成为一名Monk,就是要倡导同理心、透明度和多样性。这是我们为渴望在文化中真正占据一席之地的客户创造以人为本的解决方案的基础。” Monks Co-CEO Wesley ter Haar和Bruno Lambertini表示。

" To be a Monk is to champion empathy, transparency, and diversity, driving us to create human-centric solutions for clients who are eager to authentically carve their place in culture," says both Wesley ter Haar and Bruno Lambertini, Co-Chief Executive Officers, Marketing services.



