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Great Works 斯德哥尔摩 瑞典

Making Waves is a digital agency with offices in Oslo, Stockholm, Krakow, Chicago, and New York. Great Works is our creative business studio.
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We believe that our work should have integrity, and we all have a sense of purpose in what we create together. Our work motivates us, but it is the supportive teams, seamless collaboration, and always striving to improve that keeps this feeling going. We want everyone to feel they belong and have the opportunity to develop.

Scandinavian values
We are a global organization, but our roots lie in Scandinavia, and so do our values. We’re proud of this, because we think that an emphasis on equality, respect, and a work-life balance creates a more productive and successful company.

No matter where your office is located, you’ll find that it 
has a Scandinavian vibe. This means a relaxed working environment, flexible hours, and breakfast served 
every morning. 

Making Waves is an environment where employees can gather to discuss ideas and inspire each other.

Working together seamlessly is vital at Making Waves and Great Works. We encourage it both in the everyday working environment, and also within the trips we arrange as groups. These could be Project Management retreats in the Norwegian mountains, or a Design Department trip to Berlin to get inspired by other creative companies.

A place to grow
We want everyone to be pushing themselves to be the best they can be, and we make this a priority. We frequently invest in sending our employees to conferences of their choice, and invite them to present what they have learnt to the rest of the team.

Global gatherings
We believe that the best ideas don’t always come from a board room - they might happen when we are on a Wintercamp in the north of Sweden, at a company-wide event in Italy, or drawing inspiration from our surroundings in the Utah desert.

For us, these types of gatherings are at the core of the way we do business.

Making Waves has a vision to be a great place to work where openness, equal treatment, respect and understanding of each other's differences is a matter of course.

We strive to have a culture that makes everyone feel safe and included. Determination of salary, access to professional development, exciting assignments and career opportunities must be assessed on the basis of objective and transparent criteria.

We see the strengths of each other's differences and lift each other to reach our common goals. In this it is for the employee to show initiative for their own development, while at the same time management is responsible for the individual being recognised.




