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发布时间:2024-08-27 14:53


Visualiser 视觉设计师

上海市 1-3年 大专

团队氛围佳 地理位置方便




Visualising Team Purpose 视觉团队的使命

Producing outstanding visuals, that deliver against the creative intent and brand ambition 呈现出众的视觉效果,以传递创意初衷及品牌理念

Visualiser Purpose 视觉设计师的使命

Distilling the brand essence into outstanding visuals 用出众的视觉效果提取并展示品牌精华

Role 任务

Externally: To ensure all creative output meets or exceeds the creative and brand objectives, effectively distilling the brand essence into visual form 对外:确保所有的创意内容符合或超出品牌预期目标,通过视觉形式有效提取并展示品牌精华

Internally: To collaborate, inspire and share knowledge and expertise with the Creative team, to get to better creative solutions 对内:与创意部门共同协作并激发和深化原有的专业认知与技能,从而达成更佳方案

Reports to: Creative Director 汇报对象:创意总监


Creativity 核心创意

Creatively approaches all projects, interpreting the brand vision and brief to create outstanding visuals 让核心创意贯穿所有项目始末,使品牌愿景得以完美诠释,从而呈递出众的视觉效果

Demonstrates ability to create and manipulate images from scratch using traditional illustration skills, photography, stock images or Cinema 4D. 能够使用传统插画技术绘制的草图、照片、静态图或4D电影软件创作并巧妙灵活运用

Possesses qualified qualification of 3D Rendering with proof of practical experiences. 具有3D建模(包括后期渲染输出)的认证资质以及相关实践经验证明

Creates and crafts visuals bespoke to each project. 在每个项目中精巧地制作并彰显视觉效果

Demonstrates a broad understanding of visualising (and other multimedia techniques) to allow for unlimited creative possibilities. 对视觉设计有全面理解(包括其它媒体技术)从而做到创意无限

Constantly pushes for outstanding creative work. 不断追求更出众的创意作品

Constructively critiques, shares and advises alternative options where required 必要时提出建设性评述,分享并提议备选方案

Demonstrates an awareness of the timing constraints in early briefing stages. 具有在早期简报阶段把控时机的意识

Brand Guardianship 品牌使者

Develops brand knowledge to help deliver appropriate creative solutions 加强品牌认知从而帮助提出合适的创意方案

Acts as an immediate source of knowledge and practical support for the Creative team, sharing past experience and best practice on visualising. 担任创意团队的第一手资源,向其分享关于视觉效果方面的过往经验及最佳实践措施

Understands the brands current positioning and the creative elements it uses. 清楚了解品牌的现阶段定位及其所使用的创意元素

Develops an understanding of the brand in order to maintain consistency and high standards.加强对品牌的全面理解以保持连贯性和高质素

Technical Expertise 专业技能

Develops outstanding technical expertise across 2D & 3D imaging in order to showcase JKR’s creative output 强化二维/三维图像切换的高级专业技能以充分展示JKR的创意设计

Understands what software to use in order to produce creative work efficiently and to the appropriate quality for the brief. 熟知确保高效/有质量的创意作品完成所需使用的软件

Offers constructive support in briefings 在简介陈述时提供建设性支持

Seeks out latest techniques and trends in order to push creative boundaries 及时搜寻获取最新专业技术及动态趋势以拓宽创意界线

Develops, builds and pro-actively seeks continuous training to enhance skills. 加强、建立并积极获取可持续培训机会以提升专业技能

Creative Delivery 创意传达

Demonstrates the ability to collaborate with other teams effectively. 具备与其他团队成员有效协作的能力

Understands and appreciates the roles of the wider teams at JKR to aid smooth running of projects善于领会并合理利用JKR团队的广泛作用以促进项目的顺利运行

Anticipates the creative needs of a brief and has the ability to deliver creative solutions.先行预判简介中的创意需求并具有传达创意方案的能力

Develops a sense of ownership and responsibility for projects 加强项目运行的使命感和责任心

Effectively manages own time in order to deliver projects efficiently 有效自主进行时间管理以确保项目的高效性


Establishes and maintains a productive relationship with the creative team by developing trust and confidence to deliver creative output to the highest standard 与创意团队建立并维系高度信任和信心以确保高质素地传达创意设计

Is able to contribute constructively to meetings across all levels and departments. 能够在各层级/部门的会议中发挥建设性的作用

Proactively communicates the status of projects, raising any issues as they arise. 就项目状态进行积极沟通,发现问题及时提出

Maintains an active involvement with the rest of the team, openly offering and accepting support or advice. 与其他部门保持良好互动并能欣然提供必要支持或接受合理建议

Proactively asks the right questions, listens actively and openly, flags any concerns and offers practical, creative alternatives. 积极提出合理的问题,专心聆听,关注难点并提出实用的备选方案

Constructively discusses the work with the Designer to ensure the visual intention is not lost and is in line with the brand ambition. 与设计师积极沟通讨论以确保不偏离视觉传达意图且与品牌理念一致

Leadership 领导力

Motivates and supports team members. 激励并协助团队成员

Acts as a source of creative inspiration within the team and across the studio. 担任起整个团队的创意灵感源头角色

Develops tools and techniques to share skills. 强化专业工具与专业技能并乐于与团队分享交流

Provides mentoring to inspire others to take responsibility for their own work and personal development. 向有需要或有意自我增值的工作伙伴提供指导,激发其灵感

Demonstrates and sets a standard of creative work. 设定视觉设计工作标准

Demonstrates the ability to collaborate across all teams. 具有与各个部门通力合作的能力

Actively appreciates colleagues, to recognise and reward great works. 能够主动答谢工作伙伴,肯定他人的劳动成果





  • 上海市上海市徐汇区漕溪北路45号航空大厦1102室


