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中秋 黑悟空 华为 小红书 AI 直播 黑神话:悟空 蕉下 教师节 Apple 中秋礼盒 国庆 郑钦文

发布时间:2024-09-13 11:43



上海市 3-5年 本科




Key Responsibilities 

• Manipulating and editing film pieces in a way that is invisible to the audience 

• Reviewing shooting script and raw material to create a shot decision list based on scenes’ value and contribution to continuity 

• Assembling raw footage and transferring or uploading to a computer 

• Ensuring logical sequencing and smooth running 

• Inputting sound to enhance footage, which may include selecting music and writing voice-overs 

• Inputting graphics to enhance footage 

• Digitally splicing film and video and synchronizing them into one rough cut file 

• Improving and correcting lighting, colouring and faulty footage 

• Working closely with directors to present a final product that matches his or her vision 

• Establishing a clear understanding of the storyline and purpose of the video's creation 

• Creating an initial proposed storyboard draft of the video to present to clients and receive approval before beginning to digitally alter 


• Ensuring the correct formatting and presentation for finalized videos according to client's specifications 

• Experienced in delivering exceptional visual communication, brand identity and art directions. 

• Building and harnessing strong client relationships, looking to grow the client relationships and looking for new opportunities 

• Bringing a strong creative point of view to PLTFRM culture and rituals 

• Taking part and lead PLTFRM initiatives with outside partners 

• Maintain awareness of current industry and technology standards, social media, competitive landscape and market trends 

• 无痕运用和编辑视频;

• 基本场景的理念的连续性,回看拍摄片段和原片,确定拍摄清单;

• 组织生脚本,转移或上传至电脑;

• 确保逻辑的顺序与平稳运营;

• 植入声音以提升脚本效果,包括配乐的选取以及编写画外音;

• 植入图像以提升脚本效果;

• 运用数字手段拼接影片和视频,合成初步片断文件;

• 改善和纠正灯光、色彩以及脚本错误;

• 与总监密切合作,使最终成品符合要求;

• 清晰理解故事轴以及视频创意目的;

• 提供给客户提案的分镜初稿,确认后用数字工具编辑视频;

• 确保最终视频的格式化以及提案正确,符合客户要求;

• 有视觉沟通、品牌一致性和艺术方向的经验亮点;

• 打造与运用较强的客户关系,寻求新的合作机会;

• 针对PLTFRM企业文化,引入创意点;

• 结合外部合作伙伴参与并引领PLTFRM积极性;

• 保持对于目前行业和技术标准、社交媒体、竞争格局的敏感度

Key Requirements 

• Bachelors' degree or above 

• Minimum 5-year experience of developing and executing integrated brand strategies and plans, with a proven track record of strong results 

• Strong background in Adobe Premiere and After Effects, Photoshop and Illustrator 

• Familiar with 3D composition and special effects 

• Bilingual, a great communicator who can articulate thoughts and ideas to internally and externally through advanced English and Chinese 

written & verbal communication skills 

• Good analytical, organization, and problem-solving skills 

• A portfolio that clearly demonstrates these creativity, quality and proficiency with design tools. 

• Ability to perform under pressure and meet deadlines. 

• Open-minded, ambitious with integrity. 

• Looks to the industry and beyond that for new ways and approaches we can learn from and apply to our business and our clients 

• Bachelor's degree in film editing or related field 

• 2-4 years of experience in video editing 

• Strong communication, conceptual thinking, typography skills and design skills 

• Portfolio of work 

• Experience editing and producing short-form content for digital platforms 

• 有能够展示创造力、品质和对设计软件熟练操作能力的作品集。本科及以上学历;

• 至少5年以上开发、执行融合品牌策略和计划,有案例可循;

• 较强的Adobe Premiere and After Effects, Photoshop a以及 Illustrator软件能力;

• 熟悉3D合成与特效;

• 双语能力,能运用熟练的中英文书面与口语阐释出内外想法和要求;

• 较好的分析、组织与解决问题的能力;

• 能通过设计工具在作品集中表达创意力与质量;

• 具有抗压与接受时间截点要求的能力;

• 思维开放、正直有规划;

• 有意向从事创新行业,突破尝试新兴方法,以运用于业务与客户;

• 影片编辑或相关本科学历;


• 较强的沟通能力,概念性思维,印刷与设计技能;

• 附上作品集;

• 有编辑和产出数字化平台短篇内容的经验



互联网 | 文娱、艺术


  • 上海市上海市静安区万航渡路733号1号楼407


